Typically, this month you may start to see small hints of green. A sure indicator the soil is warming up!
To Do List
- Get a quick mow in, this will help remove the debris, leggy runners, and make way for an easier application of Pre-Emergent
- Clean up that Winter debris
- Yes! Spray or spread a nice coating of Pre-Emergent of choice
- Feed the soil
- Spot treat for weeds, as needed
Gather Your Supplies
Below is a list of recommended supplies including some great Pre-Emergents.
Prodiamine 65 WDG
(5.8 grams / 1,000 sq ft)
Prodiamine 65 WDG
(5.8 grams / 1,000 sq ft)
(4.8 lb / 1,000 sq ft)
(4.8 lb / 1,000 sq ft)
(1.5 oz / 1,000 sq ft)
If you will be using the Prodiamine 65 WDG then feel free to use my handy calculator below:
Other Great Content for March
Enjoy getting outside!
Even though I have a lot of how-to videos on yard care, the primary focus is to enjoy getting out in the yard! Whether you have a single push mower or a huge ride-on mower, just have fun! As a result, I hope you enjoy visiting our Bermuda Lawn Guide every month.